Research Data Management
Research data and knowledge management
We comply with the DFG guidelines for good research data management and the FAIRprinciples (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).
The infrastructure for accessibility and long-term storage for research data is available at all partner sites. Bonn University established a joined Petabyte storage cluster for its core facilities, and the Core Facility Imaging in Essen (IMCES) provides large data storage capacity as well as advanced virtual machines for analysis of microscopy and mass spectrometry data sets. The universities Giessen and Mannheim are part of the BMBF funded MIRACUM (Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine) consortium, which will be integrated to host patient and microbiological data. A Medical Data Integration Center (MeDIC) exists at the Institute of Medical Informatics (University of Münster), to implement interfacility research data infrastructure within the “HiGHmed” Medical Informatics Initiative of the BMBF. Thus, the FOR 5427 BARICADE – Main document 17 project leaders of BARICADE will enable a secure storage of the data, protect the privacy of patients, and share the data within the consortium.
The data generated by the BARICADE consortium will be used by SP4 to establish the Pyelonephritis Atlas, a cloud-based pyelonephritis-hub that enables overarching data integration and visualization across the BARICADE projects by established bioinformatics algorithms on a web-based interface. Prospectively, the Pyelonephritis Atlas will provide significant added value and important application for basic and clinical research.