Bacterial Renal Infection and Defense

The urinary tract is one of the most common sites of severe bacterial infections. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the most frequent pathogen causing urinary tract infections (UTI).
Lower UTI in the urinary bladder are often self-limiting, whereas upper UTI of the kidney is usually accompanied by heterogeneous complicating factors, encompassing on the one hand urological factors such as stones, catheters, anatomical or functional abnormalities of the urinary tract.

On the other hand, systemic metabolic factors, such as diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome, and immunosuppression aggravate the infection. These factors determine the severity of pyelonephritis, ranging from uncomplicated to complicated forms up to severe urosepsis. Especially in the absence of rapid adequate antibiotic therapy and treatment of accompanying complicating factors, urosepsis is life-threatening.



Optimize therapy, novel strategies

Evaluating Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic and innate immune parameters in the pyelonephritis environment


Bacterial adaptation

Characterization of pyelonephritis and cystitis E. coli isolates – Comparison of bacterial traits involved in colonization of the lower or upper urinary tract


Regulation immunosuppression

Regulation of immune suppression through CD163 in pyelonephritis and chronic lymphocytic leukemia


High-fat diet

Effect of a high fat diet on pyelonephritis


Healing/ recurrence

Role of myeloid immune cells in healing and recurrence of pyelonephritis


Protection from glucosuria

Protection from pyelonephritis during glucosuria